
UNAS-UnionAlimentari aims to protect and promote the interests of the chain of frozen and of all the actors involved, from processing enterprises to logistics operators.

The group was born from the needs expressed by the operators of the "frozen" to achieve greater representation both at institutional and market levels, facing the lack of attention from Institutions to the sector.

One of the priority actions of the group is to play a proactive role towards institutions, community and media, highlighting the high quality and the great service content of frozen foods.

To assume the role of president in UNAS for the first mandate was Romana Tamburini of Surgital spa.

On 25th March 2015, following the renewal of the Board, Renato Bonaglia, CEO of ALCASS spa, was elected President of UNAS-Unionalimentari.
Appointed as Board members are: Romana Tamburini (Surgital spa), Giuseppino Marinangeli (CGM srl), Daniele Pavesi (Lutosa Italy srl), Luca Dovo (Tonitto 1939 spa), Nicola Sartor (Surmont srl), Stefano Tomasi (SVAT spa), Vania Gagliardini (Skalo spa)

See also:
Nasce UNAS 30/09/2010
Tavola rotonda unas tuttofood 2013
Rinnovo Cariche UNAS 25/03/2015

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